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Alsolox Trading Limited Partnership
公司名稱:   Alsolox Trading Limited Partnership
主營行業:   電子、電工
域名/网址:   http://www.fristweb.com/user/alsoloxthai1/
電子信箱:   service@alsoloxthai.com
成立時間:   2000
主營產品或服務:   pc cra
企業類型:   個體工商戶
經營模式:   生產型
聯系人姓名:   Alsolox Trading Limited Partnership
地區:   泰國
地址:   120/36 Soi Rama II 60/2 (Prachasuk) Rama II Rd., Samaedum Bangkhuntian BKK 10150
郵政編碼:   10150
聯系電話:   02-451 3854
傳真:   02-451-4311
主要經營地點:   泰國
主要市場:   泰國
公司簡介:   Company provides main products are car PC and car security lock, the former is due to so many people spend a lot of time in their car because traffic jam nowadays, why don¡‾t we put computer in car to deal with something what driver wants like our office and home, that¡‾s our original idea about car PC, the latter is in view of so much car larcenous cases were happened and what can we do for drivers, so we designed intelligent car security lock ISO-1988 and ISO-3688




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